Sunday, September 19, 2010


    When you hear about Japan, but you have never been to the country, its very difficult to understand the place . All we’ve been told is that Japan is a country where traditional and modern coexist. But what does it mean? Well, it means that Japan has grown so fast that old and new are still side-by-side. In a very popular and traditional festival like the Danjirimatsuri it is easy to see how this mix is real.

    Danjiri Matsuri  is held in Kishiwada , Osaka and it’s one of the biggest festivals in Japan. There are more than 30 danjiri , which is a  big wooden cart pulled by many people. The danjiri are pulled as fast as people can pull it , so , many accidents happen when the cart turns at corners.It’s very exciting to see the leaders riding up on top of the danjiri, jumping , screaming and dancing while the danjiri moves very fast. Every year,the streets get crowded to see the Danjiri Festival.


  1. Thanks for this extra post. Again, very nice pictures. Did you get permission from the individuals to take and use their pictures? I would like to read more about your observations and experience at the festival.

  2. The various matsuri around Japan each have their own rich history and community connections. Perhaps in the future you could delve into your topic a bit more. It's nice to see people in the pictures, perhaps talk about your interactions with them.

  3. yes I got their permission and I will write more!
