Annie Leibovitz . Photo : John Keatley |
You certainly know at least 2 or 3 pictures taken by Annie Leibovitz. Her images helped to create the face of the magazine s RollingStone e Vanity Fair. Annie is a very creative photographer. She is able to capture the brightness of life in her photos. As Annie puts herself into the lives of the people she photograph , and by interacting with them, she can absorb their details and express them thrown beautiful portraits.
Jack White and Meg White ( The White Stripes Band). Photo: Annie Leibovitz |
Her pictures for sure uplift many people’s spirits and it makes her job very inspiring for her audience .As she enhances the subjects of what she is going to photograph Annie Leibovitz transforms what could be an ordinary photo into a work of art. Her pictures look to me like stunning paintings.
Keira Knightley. Photo: Annie Leibovitz
The director Pedro Almodóvar and Penélope Cruz. Photo : Annie Leibovitz |
What can you learn from the work of Leibovitz and Natchwey that will improve your own photography and visual anthropology?
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